fredag 28 oktober 2016

Final post ("1000 words")

As we come to the conclusion of this course, I believe the themes of these past weeks has provided a good foundation for upcoming studies and research. In this final post I will discuss the main values and knowledge I have gained from the course and also how this can be useful after the course is finished.  

Theory of knowledge and theory of science
As students who are going to encounter a lot of theories and so called “facts” during the upcoming years, I believe it was suitable to begin the course by introducing a critical perspective of the concept of knowledge. Research is commonly perceived as a way to prove truths and mediate them to the people. By confronting the idea of research, breaking it down to its sole purpose (the production of knowledge) and examining it as a perception gives the audience (us students, in this case) a chance to question and examine the research itself. I think the theme made it clear how knowledge is never absolute. It is rather a result of a production line, very much in the same way as artefacts are being produced in a company. (Current) knowledge is only used for just as long as technological, societal or cultural circumstances have not yet come up with new techniques to produce something “better” and more relevant.

Critical media studies
Further on, the theme of week two deepened the philosophical stance to knowledge, theory and truths. I believe this made us not only question the results of research, but even research in itself. After all, if there is no such thing as knowledge, it is worthwhile to question why research is valuable and how it can be used in the most advantageous way. The texts provided by Walter Benjamin and Adorno & Horkheimer showed how science and the idea of knowledge production can be exploited, in benefit for societal and political powers. It also highlighted how it is essential for as a society as a whole to incorporate a critical stance, for it is vital for a democracy and societal progress to have an open questioning about truths and structures.

Research and theory
After a lot of philosophical discussions, theme three presented a topic that dealt with a more specific concept of research – and theory in particular. If we are to produce the most relevant knowledge for the current time and circumstances, it is necessary to be able to determine what foundation this knowledge can be based upon. I believe that theory is such a vital part of research, very much due to the acceptance of knowledge as a temporary phenomenon. Since knowledge cannot be determined as an absolute/universal fact, theory is needed in order to support newly founded knowledge – and also justify why it is relevant to even be considered knowledge. In texts and during seminars it was shown how data, statistics, references etc. could only point at supporting evidence of certain occurrences, however, without theory, they did not motivate or provide any results with meaning.

Quantitative research
After having explored the foundation of research and knowledge production, theme four was the first theme to present a specific “tool”. I think everyone was familiar with the concept, but as our understanding of research had widened the last couple of weeks, I believe it was beneficial to put this familiar concept into a broader perspective. As quantitative studies offers hard data, there seem to be a general understanding of quantitative research as objective and true – but as we discussed during previous themes, no matter what sort of data is generated, it will not contain any meaning unless in interacts with the human understanding and processing of information. This shows how essential it is to keep a critical perspective on all forms of information people encounter.

Design research
As the course progressed, we were also introduced to more unfamiliar approaches. Personally, I was not aware of design research as an individual research “method” and although I saw the necessity for research in design; I was critical of how the approach lacked a determined, structured process in the initiation of the study. However, in hindsight, I believe it all stems from that initial question of what is knowledge, and what kind of knowledge we seek to produce in this specific field. Science has been performed for a long time as a way to try to explain what we experience, but in modern days a new perspective have been introduced: that which tries to explore possible/potential options and results which have not yet been experienced. Therefore, design research cannot direct the process from the start, as it is not aiming to confirm something already known.

Qualitative and case study research
Finally, the course was concluded by exanimating and discussing qualitative methods and case studies. As qualitative methodology is a long, recognized approach, it was easy to look at case studies from the perspective of it being a version of a qualitative method. However, after analysing case study research during the seminars, it became clear how case studies are not limited to “only” qualitative methods, but consists of more complex structures.
Although it stems from fundamental approaches (such as quantitative and qualitative) and use the methods within the research process, case studies, - as well as design research - show a different attitude in defining their expected result. It seems to me that these approaches rather let the process itself structure the research and decide what is relevant information – which in turn defines what is the relevant knowledge that can be generated from it. I think the way these approaches diminish the importance of a result is in line with how the common idea of knowledge is expected to be questioned.

Overall, the question of what is knowledge, followed by which knowledge is relevant and how it is produced – has permeated the entire course. As a student, I think it has been interesting to not only explore the various themes, but to also be encouraged to question and discuss what has been presented to me. Although the overlapping of themes have been confusing at times (in terms of writing blog posts/commenting on three different themes each week), but by doing so it has been indicated how the themes and approaches are actually overlapping/connected to one another. I believe the effects of the course will first and foremost be shown when writing the master thesis. It has been quite a helpful course, providing us student with mind-sets and tools to perform research on our own, and I am looking forward to putting it into use.

torsdag 27 oktober 2016

Theme 1-6: Comments

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

Theme 6

måndag 24 oktober 2016

Theme 6: comments

måndag 17 oktober 2016

Theme 6:2

In my last post I was discussing two studies that were supposed to present a qualitative and a case study example of research. As I was reading and reflecting about the process of “The motivations and expectations of international volunteer tourists” by Li-Ju Chen and Joseph S Chen, I got concerned about being able to differentiate the qualitative elements in their research form what was considered the actual case study.
Chen & Chen were pretty clear about using qualitative methods, observations and semi-structured interviews in order to reach their results, therefore, I think it is necessary to define what aspect of the study is making it a case study.

During the seminar on the topic, case studies were described as a meta-method. Although it is not any official definition of the term, it clarifies how case study research is not bound or limited to a certain set of methods, but rather uses a variety of methods, and often even combines them (which can be seen in Chen& Chen’s study). A case study simply identifies a certain phenomenon or context that is rather unknown or lacking in scientific theory – after that, it choses methods that are considered relevant for the context. This means that the study can include any form of method as long as it is considered to have the ability to produce results related to the topic. A case study can be said to be a method that uses other methods, either by using a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach.  That being said, the different kinds of disciplines can also be hard to define at times. However, I would say that Chen & Chen’s study is interdisciplinary as the main researcher is included in all stages and has to apply different theories and methods into the study herself.

Another interesting point that was brought up during the seminar is that a case study is not dependent of a hypothesis. Rather than relying on a hypothesis and structure the process according to it, a case study would proceed from a research question. Since case studies are applied on areas where scientific research is scarce (as mentioned above), it does not limit itself by using specific hypothesises which would narrow down the data collection and analysis into a specific theme.
As I am not that familiar with the practical use of case studies, but rather more structured forms of research, I was surprised about the lack of a specific hypothesis (I was taught that no study can be initiated without a specific direction provided by a hypothesis). I questioned this during the seminar, as I believed a study could end up very scattered without a sense of direction.
After the discussion, I understood that a broad research question is posed in the beginning of the study as a form of substitute for a hypothesis. Using a research question gives the opportunity to conduct a study, and still be able to identify unexpected features that might be significant for that particular phenomenon. The hypothesis is posed later in the study, when enough information has been gathered which makes it possible to single out a specific direction for the study.
This way, case studies are not only able to verify or test a theory, but also create new.

In the end, I would say that a case study is a approach that structures it’s process depending on the object/phenomenon of study. By using this definition I believe I include all the methods (qualitative and quantitative) that can be used within it’s frameworks.

Theme 5: comments

måndag 10 oktober 2016

Theme 4: comments

Theme 5:2

Considering today’s technological environment and the culture of constant development, I am surprised how unclear design research is for the general public. 
I believe design research to be a crucial part of the progress of the modern world’s IT-dependent society, but it was not until we studied the theme this week that it became obvious to me that design research is not only aimed for the professional sphere – but also for the development of systems for daily use by ordinary people.

Ylva Fernaeus described during her lecture how an important part of the practices in design research is constructed in consideration of “real people”, in order to be able to understand the usability of new technology. The aim is to understand the practices of novel technology in “real settings” where experience and emotions can be evaluated. As Fernaeus put it: a system is not happening in isolation, there a social contexts, integration with other systems, various levels of skills among users, and personal ways of making use of a system. Looking at technology in a lab wont cause the same dynamic as in regular context. In order to understand technology and design in a social context design research usually contains a lot of different disciplines within one study, such as humanity, cultural- and social sciences.
I think this might be one of the reasons why design research has been overlooked as a separate discipline. 

During the seminar discussion the “issue” of mixed approaches within the field was raised in order to identify what distinguishes design research per se. Initially someone put design research in contrast to qualitative and quantitative methods, trying to highlight advantages and disadvantages, but as the discussion progressed it seemed to me that design research is not as much of a method as it is a process. In other words; design research do not have a particular structure in approaching a study object (which is related to Fernaeus and Ander Lundström who both adjusted their research gradually during the process of their studies), therefore instead of putting it in contrast to qualitative and quantitative method I described circumstances where these methods are applied during the process. Qualitative and quantitative studies can therefore be a part of the design research. In accordance to this, a fellow student suggested that it is the structure of design research which if the defining feature. I do agree with this statement, but considered how broad of a definition it is I would like to narrow it down by adding that it is the adjustable nature of the structure/process in design research, which distinguishes it from other disciplines.

This in turn brought into question another issue: is design research controlled or not? Especially considering how a lot of the data collected in the example studies of the week was based on observation and experiences.
I understand that it can be considered somewhat uncontrolled, but I think it is important to keep in mind that the circumstances/context surrounding these observations are structured in an specific/intended way. In addition to this, at different stages during the process, the conditions are adjusted in in order to continue the project forward in the desirable direction.

Finally, I think it is necessary to bring up the issue of replicability, as this has been a much-discussed topic during the week. Fernaeus initiated the issue with questioning whether it is not only possible – but is it meaningful?
In my last post I was quite sceptic to the replication on design research. Not only considering that technology is developing in a rapid pace, but also because people’s use, skills and circumstances are adapting at the same speed. I still stand by the same opinion. I believe there are techniques to replicate a study in some means, but this will cause a change in either system and context, or result.

By adjusting features in order to better suit modern systems, there is a possibility to generate somewhat similar conclusions – the system will however not have the same outline anymore. In contrast, the system/process can be kept, but this in turn causes a different result. Consequently, even if the study is indeed replicated in some terms, I think a lot of the newly generated research will lose it’s value and meaning.